Scoliosis On The Gold Coast

Scoliosis itself is not a disease or an illness but a condition that describes a certain curvature of the spine that is oriented sideways. There are three ways in which this medical condition affects the curvature of the back: levoscoliosis, dextroscoliosis, and S shaped type.

This medical condition has various causes depending on its type. While congenital scoliosis often sees is caused by birth defects, the idiopathic type has unknown causes and it can appear anytime during life but there are certain factors that make people prone to this condition.

The latter is one of the common types and doesn’t present many risks, but there are more uncommon types, such as neuromuscular scoliosis and Chiari malformation, which can develop various complications.

This condition tends to be worse in adult patients as it will put a lot of pressure on vital organs like the heart or the lungs. It can also become very frustrating as it restricts physical activities impairing day to day activities.

Medical attention should be sought as soon as a patient notices any type of abnormality to the spine and the patients is often put through observation and requires regular checkups. Unfortunately, some curves can appear unnoticed, making it harder for patients to get early medical treatment.

Predisposition to developing scoliosis is connected to gender, as women tend to suffer more often than men, but it can also be inherited or it can be the cause of birth defects.

The symptoms of this medical condition can be easily observed and they imply a modification in posture which is easier diagnosed in children by regular school checkups. For example, a patient with a shoulder or a shoulder blade that is higher or more prominent than the other can suffer from scoliosis.

One hip being higher than the other with the whole body giving the impression that is bent on one side is also a symptom of scoliosis. Other symptoms can be: a leg looking shorter than the other, abnormalities in rib cage shape, and an unbalanced waist. When it comes to pain, idiopathic scoliosis fortunately doesn’t cause much pain, the other forms of scoliosis however do.

Diagnose is usually done by examining the areas surrounding the spine and by using X-ray.

When you need a pain relief for your scoliosis on the Gold Coast, click and visit and feel better already.